episode 47 | Who Am I When I Strip Everything Else Away?: a Reconnecting with Pleasure mini podcast series
This week we’re exploring the question of: “Who am I when I strip everything else away?” as a part of our Radical Reconnection miniseries on Reconnecting with Pleasure Podcast. This question in and of itself feels radical, and we get vulnerable discussing what it means to each of us. Women are handed so many titles and roles throughout our lives, it can be a radical practice of remembering who we are underneath all of that. We hope you’ll give this episode a listen and let us know who you are, underneath it all!

episode 46 | Radical Listening: a Reconnecting with Pleasure mini podcast series
This week we’re talking about radical listening on the podcast, and it may not be in the ways that you’d expect. As we’re doing this Radically Reconnecting miniseries, we’re diving deep. We’re talking about the radical act of listening to yourself. Of creating time and space to receive information and wisdom, and to really tune in. Because we know it’s important to listen well to others, but we often overlook the importance of listening to ourselves.
We’re sharing our recent experience at a Recieve Tea Ceremony hosted by our friend and coach, Kayley Robsham at Dana’s house. It was spiritual, grounding, quiet, and deeply enlightening! We both reconnected with ourselves in a big way! We’d love to hear your thoughts!
Have you ever attended a tea ceremony or similar silent ritual for listening? We’d love to hear!

episode 45 | Pleasurable Decision Making: a Reconnecting with Pleasure mini podcast series
This week for our Radical Reconnection miniseries we’re sharing a personal story about a decision we recently made. When we launched Reconnecting with Pleasure we committed to letting it feel like pleasurable work and to let that influence our decision making, and this week we really put that into practice.
We’re sharing all the details on how we listened and trusted ourselves, created space for listening and reflection and how we ultimately made a decision by trusting ourselves and the timing of everything.
Spoiler alert, we’re also sharing the decision that we made to reschedule our second retreat until September. We think this is perfect timing! September in the mountains, radically reconnecting with yourself and your pleasure. Join us!
And let us know what you think about pleasurable decision making.

episode 44 | Be Slow: a Reconnecting with Pleasure mini podcast series
We’re so excited about this Radical Reconnection miniseries, and today we’re dropping our first episode - Slowing Down.
And while we realize that this might be a strange place to start, there is really nothing more radical than slowing down in a culture that demands urgency, is there?
Reconnecting with ourselves and with our desires and pleasure requires us slowing down enough to listen. To notice what we want or how we’re feeling. Breaking habits requires stepping out of autopilot to think about what really works, and what’s sustainable.
That’s what we’re getting into this week, and we’d love for you to be a part of the conversation! Take a listen and let us know what you think!

episode 43 | Introducing Radical Reconnecting: a Reconnecting with Pleasure mini podcast series
We have a fun announcement and mini series coming your way…
You may remember Pleasure Summer Camp – I mean, who could forget it, honestly?! Well. We had so much fun with that mini series that we decided to do it again. But different.
Introducing Radical Reconnecting: a Reconnecting with Pleasure mini podcast series where we’ll be chatting about the various ways that we can radically reconnect with ourselves and our pleasure. Think weekly episodes touching on different topics from slowing down to mindfulness to grief. Short, sweet, impactful, and (most importantly to us!) consistent. We’ll be dropping a new episode every week, because for us consistency in podcasting is pleasure.
We can’t wait for you to join us!
We’d love for you to weigh in on this conversation! Check out the article and the episode and let us know what you think.

episode 42 | She wrote a best seller on women’s sex lives
We were immediately taken with this headline in the New York Times and the article that followed about Come as You Are author and sex educator, Emily Nagoski, so naturally that’s what we’re chatting about this week on the podcast. Emily changed the game for so many of us in how we think about, talk about, and understand sex and desire. To hear that even she can face challenges with sex and desire is affirming and we’re so grateful that she’s talking about that, too. And so are we. How do we come back from a dry spell? And what’s the difference between a hot and sexy short-term lover and a long-term relationship, because we know it’s different!
We’d love for you to weigh in on this conversation! Check out the article and the episode and let us know what you think.

episode 41 | Finding More in the Less
Hello Pleasure Babes!
Your girls are back again, and committed to more consistent podcasting in 2024– or at least the first half of the year, then we’ll re-evaluate to see what’s feeling pleasurable. You know how we do! ;)
Anyway, if you’ve been hanging out with us for a while now, you know that we’re generally proponents of doing less and slowing down. But what happens when there’s pleasure in more? This week we’re talking about just that. Not more for the sake of more. And definitely not more because we feel like we should do more. More because it feels delicious and pleasurable and because we freaking want to!
More pleasure. More presence. More reading. More resting. More orgasms. More consistent podcasting!
What about you? Are there “mores” on your 2024 list?
We’d love to hear!

episode 40 | 2024 In’s & Out’s
Happy 2024 Pleasure Babes!
This week we’re back with a New Years episode. We’re unpacking our In + Out lists and talking about some goals we have for the New Year. In this episode we get real, sharing our goals for inviting in my curiosity and compassion, self-accountability, and having the hard conversations. All the things we know contribute to living more pleasurable lives, and frankly all the stuff we love to talk about on the podcast but sometimes forget to practice. Ha!
We hope you’ll listen and share your In + Out lists with us!
And most of all, we hope you remember that even when you forget to put things into practice you can always start again. Just like us! ;)

episode 39 | Join us while we recap our first Reconnecting with Pleasure retreat!
It’s been a minute and we have missed you!!
We’re back this week with a very special retreat recap, sharing some of the magic with you. In case you didn’t know, we hosted a retreat in October near Joshua Tree, California to Reconnect with Pleasure, and it was absolutely delicious. We hosted 2 amazing women in a gorgeous house amongst the Joshua Trees, supporting them in reconnecting with themselves and their pleasure. It was basically perfect and magical in every way and this week on the podcast we’re positively swooning about it. We hope you’ll listen and share and let us know what you think!
And bonus, we’re doing it again! Stay tuned to hear a bit more about our next retreat coming Spring 2024. We can’t wait to make more magic and would love for you to join us!
Sending big love to each of you!

episode 38 | “I’ll be back.”
We’re so excited to share another episode of Reconnecting with Pleasure with you, and this week we’re talking about just that… YOU!
You deserve to be your own priority and that’s exactly what we’re chatting about this week. Putting yourself on your calendar, taking yourself on a date, and carving out time just for you– to do whatever you want!
We’re sharing real strategies that you can implement this week to put yourself first just a little more than you already do. After all, we know that the transition to fall can be ROUGH, especially for those parents out there. (We’re with you, mama!)
And if you’re really ready to put yourself first, we still have a couple of spots left for our retreat in Joshua Tree, California. And if you confirm your spot before the end of the month, you get a bonus one on one call with one of us! Seriously, you deserve to put yourself first and let us pour into you for a luxurious long weekend in the desert.
We hope you’ll listen and try out at least one of our strategies, then let us know how it goes because we seriously love to hear from you. It’s lonely out here putting these podcasts out and not getting to hear your giggles and takeaways! ;)
Put yourself first this week, babe. You truly deserve it!

episode 37 | We’re Going to Joshua Tree
We’re so excited to share our first ever Reconnect with Pleasure Retreat with you!
Last week we wrapped up Pleasure Summer Camp. We had so much fun, and we hope you did too!
But this week we’re sharing the details on our retreat to Joshua Tree, California this October and it’s so juicy and delicious, we can’t wait for you to hear all about it.
And as of today, the doors are officially open for you to snag your spot on this intimate, gorgeous retreat to the desert. We would absolutely love for you to join us!
We’re sharing all the details, the vibes, and a peak at the schedule. From chef prepared meals, to desert yoga and mediations, to delicious hypnotherapy, to the hot tub and your absolutely gorgeous private room and gift bag… every single thing about this retreat is centered around you. You receiving rest and rejuvenation, you remembering what it’s like to be you, and you reconnecting with yourself and all that you desire. We can’t wait to pour into you!
Snag your room today!
And please share this episode and links to our retreat with folks who you think would absolutely love it!
See you in Joshua Tree!