episode 26 | Grown As$ Friendships
This week we’re talking Grown Ass Friendships and Platonic Love.
Yup, we’ve got more to say on this topic, so this episode is entirely dedicated to platonic love and friendships. We’re smitten and hope that you are too!
Dana shares about her platonic life partner and we both gush about how in love we are with our friends and friendships!
We share a bit of our own origin story and how we dove head first into our friendship romance, we U-Hauled it, if you will! ;) And talk about why we tell our friends how we love them.

episode 25 | Shootin’ the sh*t | what's bringing us pleasure lately
This week we're shootin' the shit about what's bringing us pleasure lately and how life has been. Real talk, we love doing this podcast because we love chatting with each other about things we care about! So this week instead of coming up with a specific topic, we decided to just connect and talk to each other. We had a ton of fun and dug into a number of topics, and we hope you you enjoy it too!

episode 24 | Pleasure as a Liberatory Mindset
This week we’re talking about something that's been so ingrained in our philosophies that we almost forgot to talk about it explicitly- pleasure as liberation! We believe that abundant pleasure requires a liberatory mindset and this week we’re talking about what that means to us. Liberating ourselves from expectations, people pleasing, perfectionism, and “shoulds” cultivates a more abundant life of joy!

episode 23 | Fantasy & Pleasure
This week we’re talking about the importance of fantasy and imagination in cultivating and pleasure-centered life. We can’t be what we can’t see, right? So taking the time to visualize and imagine the things that we want helps us lay the foundation for receiving it.
Also, we talked about how sex is a good motivator for working out– not because of how we look, but so we can be flexible and have the stamina to have delicious, good sex well into middle age! Whatever gets us moving our bodies!

episode 22 | Is This a Sex Podcast or Naw?
In this episode, Victoria and Dana show you behind the scenes as they talk about where or not Reconnecting with Pleasure is a sex podcast... or naw. Join them in this discussion, and see what they come up with. Spoiler alert: it's both, and...

episode 14 | Sex, Pleasure, & Gender Roles
In this episode of Reconnecting with Pleasure, Dana & Victoria the concept of gender roles in (and out of) relationship. We discuss how gender roles in both queer and heterosexual relationships can sometimes be barriers to our own joy pleasure. We also discuss ways that we can set aside these roles that we've learned to allow ourselves access to more pleasure.

episode 13 | Resentment, Parenthood, & Sex
In this episode, Dana + Victoria unpack a common theme that we hear, especially from other mothers and parents, about the challenges that come with navigating many responsibilities and the resentment that breeds as a result. We're talking about how resentment breeds in relationships and how to find pleasure and desire within so many responsibilities. Ultimately we see resentment as an inside job and we're sharing some tips for how to navigate it accordingly.

episode 12 | Talking about talking about kink
In this episode, Victoria and Dana talk about talking about kink. We explore our definitions of kink, what it means to us, and delve into figuring out how we can get more comfortable with our own desires and pleasure in order to talk about them with others.
Talking about talking about it is our starting point!

episode 11 | Talking to friends about pleasure & sex
On this episode Dana + Victoria talk about the importance of talking to your friends and closest people about sex, pleasure, and desire. We get conditioned to keep vulnerability at bay and not talk about things that may bring up shame or deep vulnerability, but disrupting that idea can allow for the best, most meaningful relationships. In this episode we offer some examples and tips for how to cultivate more vulnerable and intimate friend relationships.